Setup your Installation

Setup Your InfusedGym Installation

Before Making An Appointment, Complete ALL The Steps Below:


STEP 1: [ONLY for Current Infusionsoft customers] - Add us a Partner in your app. Instructions can be found here. 

STEP 2: Collect the following information and prepare in a zip file (If you are not sure how to make a zip file, here are instructions for both Windows and Mac OS X). Click each list for an example with instructions on how to prepare the file:

STEP 3: [ONLY for Current Infusionsoft customers] - If you have an existing merchant account inside Infusionsoft you wish to use, make a note of it. You can find it by logging into Infusionsoft and going to E-Commerce > Settings > Merchant Accounts.

STEP 4: You are ready to go! Fill out the form below to schedule your installation. If you need assistance with any of the steps, feel free to email us at, call, or text us at 305-209-2097.